About Brow Lifting

A brow lift (also called forehead lift) is a cosmetic plastic surgery designed to raise the eyebrows, smooth the forehead and reduce signs of aging. A brow lift can be similar to a facelift and improve the overall look of the face. A brow lift can remove furrows in the forehead or between the brows that cause people to look angry or worried even when they are happy. A brow lift can also repair the earliest signs of aging like drooping of the eyebrows. Patients, after having a brow lift surgery are usually happier and more relaxed. There are two methods used to lift the forehead and eyebrow area.

Classic Lift – involves one continuous cut beginning at the level of the ears going up around the hairline. Depending on where the hairline is the surgeon will work to avoid a visible scar.

Endoscopic Lift – the surgeon makes few shorter cuts in the scalp. A scope (a small camera at the end of a thin tube) will be inserted into one of the cuts and another will be inserted in another cut to make necessary changes. The surgeon uses small anchors to secure the tissue. As the cuts are smaller endoscopic lift is less invasive than the classic lift. There will be minimized scarring and a shorter recovery time.

Brow Lifting Procedure

A brow lift surgery usually takes 1 to 2 hours but the time required can depend on the technique used and if other procedures such as facelift or blepharoplasty may be performed in conjunction with the brow lift surgery, they can extend the length of surgery. The surgery will start by the surgeon drawing marks to indicate where the incisions will be made. The location, length and direction of the incision lines will be dictated by the technique used. Patient’s hair will be secured so it does not get in the surgeons way during the procedure. Before the procedure patients will be hooked onto monitors to allow the surgical team can keep a track of the heartbeat and other vital signs during the surgery. An intravenous (IV) line will be started. Brow lift surgery is usually done with local anesthetic to numb the area and a sedative to relax the patient. Depending on the preference general anesthesia can be used. The surgeon will follow the pre marked lines made, then remove any excess skin and close the incision. Once the incisions are closed a dressing will be applied to protect the wounds, to keep the tissue securely in place and to reduce swelling.

Suitable Patients for Brow Lifting

Patients generally choose to have a brow lift surgery to reduce the signs of aging like visible forehead lines and sagging eyebrows.

Patients who are in a good health overall

  • Non-smoking
  • Females and males
  • Have some skin elasticity (helps body adapt to new contours)
  • Between 35 and 60 years old (adults of any age are suitable as long as healthy)

Are suitable to have a brow lift surgery

Patients suffering from medical conditions or mentally unstable are not suitable for a brow lift surgery.

Surgical options

There are various types of techniques used in brow lift surgery that primarily differentiate by the incision patterns. Incisions are usually placed on the hairline, behind the hairline, mid forehead or above the brow. The common types of brow lifts are:

Direct Brow Lift – commonly used to treat brow ptosis and done usually on older patients or patients who have thick eyebrows that will hide the incision.

Endoscopic Brow Lift – performed through a small tube with a camera at the end to allow the surgeon to use a smaller incision. Incision is generally located within the wrinkles of the forehead or behind the hairline. Endoscopic brow is usually used when there is not a lot of excess skin to remove. Endoscopic brow lift is one of the popular techniques used now a day because they are associated with a shorter recovery period, less post surgery discomfort and less visible scarring than traditional open brow lifts.

Endoscopic with Suture Suspension – as being performed endoscopically permanent sutures are used to suspend the muscles and tissues in a higher position.

Full Coronal Technique – is also known as open forehead lift. Full coronal technique allows more access so the surgeon can create the most dramatic changes. An incision is placed behind the hairline from one ear to the other. Patients with hair loss can experience a more noticeable scar, as it is not concealed behind the hairline.

Pretrichial or Subcutaneous Brow Lift – this technique is ideal for patients wanting to lift the eyebrows and shorten the forehead.

Lateral of Temporal Brow Lift – incisions are made behind the hairline. This technique is usually used to correct folds and small wrinkles on the forehead and corners of the eye. This method can also be used to lift the cheeks.

Temporal Brow Lift with Suture – this technique is similar to the lateral/temporal lift. This technique uses sutures to suspend the tissue and muscles.

Non-invasive Brow Lift – there are various non-surgical options available such as the use of ultrasound energy (Ultherapy) to stimulate collagen growth or injectable fillers like Botox to lift the eyebrows.

Before Brow Lifting surgery

Patients must quit smoking at least 4 weeks before the surgery

Stop taking medication and herbal supplements at least 2 weeks before the surgery

Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the day of the surgery

Do not wear jewelry, make up or contact lenses on the day of the surgery

After Brow Lifting surgery

Once patient is recovered from anesthesia usually they are sent home if there are no other complications. The surgeon will give instructions on how to care for the incisions after the surgery and how to take care while washing hair. Swelling can occur around the face area together with bruises. Recovery usually takes 2 weeks but patients must avoid exposure to sunlight for several months after the surgery. If pain is experienced medication prescribed by the surgeon can be taken. After the surgery the forehead will be wrapped in bandages or gauze or taped to hold tissues in place. Compression garments can be worn to help control swelling.

To reduce swelling after surgery

Swelling is normal after almost every surgery. There are methods to reduce swelling for a faster recovery like

  • Keeping hydrated so drink plenty of water
  • Maintaining a healthy diet low in sodium
  • Getting plenty of rest and not rushing to go back to old activities

Risks of Brow Lifting surgery

Just like every surgery brow lift surgery has some risks such as

  • Anesthesia complications
  • Infection
  • Damage to nerves
  • Scarring
  • Skin irregularities and discoloration
  • Temporary hair loss around area of incision
  • Swelling
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Dry eye or irritation
  • Eyelid disorders


Sedative – given to relax the patient by reducing irritability / excitement.

Incision – surgical cut made in the skin during surgery or treatment

Local anesthesia – induces absence of sensation to a specific part of the body

General anesthesia – variety of medications given to ensure unconsciousness, loss of control of reflexes. The patient is put to sleep to not feel any pain or discomfort.

Compression garment – special clothing to provide extra support especially after surgeries

First day of Brow Lift Surgery

The patients will attend a consultation with the surgeon and will be advised about the procedure and their condition. The patient will then be taken through a couple of tests that are required before the surgery. If desired, patients can spend the day to rest and attend the hospital the next day.

Second day of Brow Lift Surgery

Brow lift surgery will be performed. The surgery will be performed using general or local anesthesia. The surgery will take around between 1 to 2 hours to perform, depending on the technique used, on an outpatient basis. Once the surgery is over the patient will be taken to a private room where they will be staying for resting. The surgeon will perform a check up and if they are approved to be in a good, healthy condition and the surgery results are all successful; the patients are advised with post treatment care requirements and are ready to be discharged from hospital to their settlements.

Third day of Brow Lift Surgery

Patients are advised to continue resting at their settlements. They must avoid heavy activities like bending and lifting. Patients are able to go on little tours around the city if they are feeling better and carry on taking their medications correctly

Fourth day of Brow Lift Surgery

Patients will attend a post surgery appointment for a final check up and consultation. The patient will be advised on further medication. If everything is right then the patient is ready to return to their destination, unless patients undergo other surgeries together with a brow lift surgery, which require for them to stay longer. The stitches will need to be removed between 7 – 10 days after the surgery; patients can either have the removal done at their destination or enjoy their time in their visit and have the removal done at the hospital in Turkey.


• Trip schedule may vary. medicTurkey patient relations will provide you a detailed trip schedule before the travel.

• For details on accommodation, transportation and other services, please check the SERVICES page.

What is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift (also called forehead lift) is a cosmetic plastic surgery designed to raise the eyebrows, smooth the forehead and reduce signs of aging. A brow lift can be similar to a facelift and improve the overall look of the face.

How is a Brow Lift done?

Brow lift surgery is usually done with local anesthetic to numb the area and a sedative to relax the patient. Depending on the preference, general anesthesia can be used. The surgeon will follow the pre marked lines made then remove any excess skin and close the incision.

Are there any risks of Brow Lift?

Just like any other surgery has brow lift surgery has some risks like anesthesia complications, infection, damage to nerves, scarring, skin irregularities and discoloration, temporary hair loss around area of incision, swelling, facial asymmetry, dry eye or irritation, eyelid disorders.

How long does a Brow Lift surgery take?

Brow lift surgery usually takes from 1 to 2 hours. There can be additional surgeries performed like blepharoplasty and facelift, which can extend the length of surgery.

How long do I need to stay in hospital?

The surgery is usually done on an outpatient basis unless there are other surgeries performed together with a brow lift, which require for the patient to stay in hospital.

How long do I need to stay in Turkey?

The recommended stay in Turkey for Brow Lift is 4 days including consultation before the surgery and after the surgery.

When can I return to work?

Most patients return to their normal routine and work 1 week after the surgery. Many endoscopic brow lift patients return to work even sooner.

When will the sutures be removed?

Sutures will be removed from a week to 10 days after the surgery. If there is any pain felt during the removal then the surgeon can give patients local anesthetic.

Devices used in a Brow Lift Surgery

A device called scope (a small camera at the end of a thin tube) is used in a brow lift surgery, which will be inserted into one of the cuts, and another will be inserted in another cut to make necessary changes.

Operation Price Stay in hospital Stay in Turkey
Brow Lift Please fill in
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about the pricing.
The surgery is done on an
outpatient basis
4 Days