FUE Method – Follicular Unit Extraction. The FUE method is a new method of hair transplantation which follicular units are removed individually from the donor site, so this means that the follicles will remain in the same state and grow normally in the recipient site
Follicle – the skin organ that produces hair.
Donor site – the area which an organ or tissue is removed for transplantation or grafting.
Sutures – also called stitches, used to hold the tissues together.
Staples – surgical staples used instead of sutures to close wounds
FUT Method – Follicular Unit Transplantation. The FUT method is which a strip of scalp is cut and removed from the back of the head and dissected into tiny grafts.
Local Anesthesia – induces absence of sensation to a specific part of the body.
Graft – living tissue, which is transplanted.