The most common way to augment the size of the chin is usually by using an implant. There are two main types of these
Solid implants – in chin augmentation implants are usually synthetic and usually silicone. Unlike implant used in breast augmentation, solid silicone implants rupture or leak into the body. Other materials also used in chin implants are polyethylene, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE or Gore-Tex), acellular dermal matrix product (alloderm). Synthetic implants come in various shapes and sizes. Another technique widely used is to take a cartilage or bone from another part of the body but with this kind of implant there is a high risk of infection. A solid implant can be removed if necessary.
Injectable fillers – the chin can be augmented using injectable filler to build up the chin and make it more prominent. Injectable filler products for chin augmentation contain collagen, hydoxylapatite, hyaluronic acid and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). Collagen and hyaluronic acid are temporary fillers, which mean they don’t last more than a few months because the body will eventually absorb them. If the patient is happy with the results then they must continue getting the injections. PMMA injections are permanent. A disadvantage to PMMA injections is that they are not easy to remove.