About Gum Contouring Treatment

Gum contouring treatment, also called gum reshaping or tissue scalping, is a cosmetic dental procedure, which can even out an uneven gum line and bring out a proud smile. Patients undergo this procedure because they are unhappy with their gums seen while they are smiling. There are various things that can cause the gums to be too low or too high. Too high gums make the teeth look long and are caused by gum recession that is a condition where gum tissue pulls back from a tooth and exposes the tooth’s root. Gum recession, while making the teeth look longer, it can also lead to serious dental problems like decay and tooth loss. It can also be a sign of periodontal disease and deterioration of the supporting structures of the teeth including gum and bone.

Gum Contouring Procedure

Gum contouring is performed using radiosurgery, laser and scalpels. The dentist will use a special pen and mark a line of the new gum line so the patient is able to see how much gum will be removed and how the new gum line will be reshaped. A local anesthetic will be applied to numb the area and in some situations the bone at the front of the tooth’s root must be removed do get the best long-term results. Then the excess tissue will be precisely removed.

Laser Gum Contouring Procedure

Tools such as diode laser are used to perform the treatment at a faster, simpler and painless way. The treatment will start with the mouth being numbed using local anesthetic. Then the dentist will use a diode laser to gently cut away excess gum tissue and sculpt a more uniform scalloped gum line. Diode lasers cauterize while they cut so there is less bleeding and there is a reduced chance of infections for patients.

Suitable Patients for Gum Contouring Treatment

• Patients must have healthy gums and teeth

• Patients who are over the age of 18

Before Gum Contouring Treatment

• Patients must brush and floss the teeth before they come to the treatment

• Patients must stop smoking 2 days before the treatment

After Gum Contouring Treatment

• Patients must consume soft foods and avoid foods that are spicy or have seeds for a few days after the treatment

• Patients must take medication prescribed as instructed by the dentist

• Patients must follow the dentists directions on how to brush the teeth during healing

Risks of Gum Contouring Treatment

Just like every treatment there are some risks with gum contouring as well such as

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Allergic reaction


Periodontal – a type of gum disease

Deterioration – the condition suffered from worsening

Local anesthesia – induces absence of sensation to a specific part of the body

Trip Schedule of Gum Contouring Treatment

The patient will attend a consultation with the dentist and will be advised about the treatment and their condition. The treatment can be performed if the patient is ready. Local anesthesia is used to numb the gum, to reduce the amount of pain felt by the patient. The treatment is done in two ways. Either laser gum contouring, which is gum contouring done using a laser, or gum contouring done using a scalpel to reshape the gum. The treatment is done using local anesthetic. Once the process ends the patient will be advised on post treatment options and medication if needed and then they are ready to return to their destination or enjoy their time in Istanbul.  The procedure will take around an hour to perform. If desired, patients can spend the day to rest and attend the clinic the next day and the same process will be performed..


• Trip schedule may vary. medicTurkey patient relations will provide you a detailed trip schedule before the travel.

• For details on accommodation, transportation and other services, please check the SERVICES page.

What is Gum Contouring Treatment?

Gum contouring is a cosmetic dentistry done to improve the look of the teeth by reshaping the gums.

How is Gum Contouring Treatment done?

Gum contouring is done in two ways, Laser gum contouring which is gum contouring done using a laser and gum contouring done using a scalpel to reshape the gum. The treatment is done using local anesthetic.

How long does Gum Contouring Treatment take?

Gum contouring treatment usually takes around an hour to perform.

How long do I need to stay in Turkey?

The recommended stay in Turkey for Gum Contouring is 1 day including consultation before and after the treatment.

Who can have Gum Contouring Treatment?

The treatment is suitable for patients over the age of 18 who have healthy gums and teeth and are at a good health condition.

Are there any risks of Gum Contouring Treatment?

With every treatment there are risks and there is a possibility of risks to occur such as

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Swelling of the gums
  • Allergic reaction to anesthesia

Which are very rare to occur if laser gum contouring is performed.

Devices used in Gum Contouring Treatment

During gum contouring a special dental pen is used to mark a line of the new gum line so the patient is able to see how much gum will be removed and how the new gum line will be reshaped. Diode laser is used to gently cut away excess gum tissue and sculpt a more uniform scalloped gum line. Diode lasers cauterize while they cut so there is less bleeding and there is a reduced chance of infections for patients. Scalpels may also be used in the process.


Operation Price Stay in hospital Stay in Turkey
Gum Contouring Please fill in
a form to learn
about the pricing.
The treatment is done on an
outpatient basis so there is no
need to stay in hospital.
1-2 Days