About Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure, which is highly preferred by women but can be performed on men too. Patients who are not happy with shaving, tweezing or waxing for the removal of unwanted hair refer to laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is one of the most common done cosmetic procedures all around the world. Laser hair removal can be performed on various parts of the body like face, arm, leg, bikini line and other areas. Most patients achieve permanent hair loss between 3 to 7 sessions.

Laser Hair Removal Procedure

Before the start of the procedure the patient’s hair around the area to be treated will be trimmed to a few millimeters, so it’s just above the skin. Then the doctor will adjust the laser device, depending on the patient’s skin color, thickness, and location of the hairs. The outer layers of the patient’s skin will be protected with a cold gel or special cooling device to help the laser light penetrate the skin. Then the doctor will give a pulse of light to the area to be treated and watch the area for several minutes to be sure that everything is good and to prevent any bad reactions. Each pulse can treat a great amount of hairs at the same time. The upper lip can be treated in less than a minute and larger areas of the body like the back or legs can take up to an hour.  Once the procedure is completed the patient will be given ice packs, cream or cold water to ease any discomfort.

Suitable Patients for Laser Hair Removal

• Both men and women patients are suitable to undergo laser hair removal

• Patients must be at a good health condition

• Patients must be over the age of 18

Before Laser Hair Removal

• Patients must avoid deodorant, perfume and make up on the area to be treated on the day of the treatment

After Laser Hair Removal

• The treated area will look red like its been sunburned

• If the face is treated make up must be avoided for 2 days

• Treated hair will fall out within a month

• Patients must wear sunscreen for a month to prevent temporary changes in the color of the treated skin

• Patients can apply cold compress if they feel any discomfort

Risks of Laser Hair Removal

Just like every treatment there is a small risk of complications to occur like

  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Scarring
  • Blisters
Trip Schedule of Laser Hair Removal

The patients will attend a consultation with the doctor and will be advised about the procedure and their condition. The patient will then be taken through a couple of tests that are required before the treatment and if everything is normal then Laser Hair Removal will be performed. During a laser hair removal there is no need for the use of anesthesia. The duration of the treatment will depend on the area of the treatment. Once the treatment is over, patients may need to apply cold compress if they feel any discomfort around the area that has been treated.  The doctor will perform a check up and if they are approved to be in a good, healthy condition and feeling good the patients are advised with post treatment care requirements and are ready to be discharged from the clinic to their settlements. Most patients achieve permanent hair loss between 3 to 7 sessions. Patients can arrange for a next session or carry on with the treatment where they desire. If everything is right then the patient is ready to return to their destination. If desired, patients can spend the day to rest and attend the clinic the next day.


• Trip schedule may vary. medicTurkey patient relations will provide you a detailed trip schedule before the travel.

• For details on accommodation, transportation and other services, please check the SERVICES page.

What is Laser Hair Removal?

Laser hair removal is a cosmetic procedure that is highly preferred by women but can be performed on men too. Patients who are not happy with shaving, tweezing or waxing for the removal of unwanted hair refer to laser hair removal. Laser hair removal is one of the most common done cosmetic procedures all around the world. Laser hair removal can be performed on various parts of the body like face, arm, leg, bikini line and other areas. Most patients achieve permanent hair loss between 3 to 7 sessions.

How is Laser Hair Removal done?

Before the start of the procedure the patient’s hair around the area to be treated will be trimmed to a few millimeters, so it’s just above the skin. Then the doctor will adjust the laser device, depending on the patient’s skin color, thickness, and location of the hairs. The outer layers of the patient’s skin will be protected with a cold gel or special cooling device to help the laser light penetrate the skin. Then the doctor will give a pulse of light to the area to be treated and watch the area for several minutes to be sure that everything is good and to prevent any bad reactions. Each pulse can treat a great amount of hairs at the same time. The upper lip can be treated in less than a minute and for larger areas of the body like the back or legs can take up to an hour.  Once the procedure is completed the patient will be given ice packs, cream or cold water to ease any discomfort.

Does Laser Hair Removal hurt?

Patients may feel some discomfort during the procedure or after the procedure, but there is no major pain to be experienced.

Will I need anesthetics?

There is usually no anesthesia used during the procedure.

Who can have Laser Hair Removal?

• Both men and women patients are suitable to undergo laser hair removal

• Patients must be at a good health condition

• Patients must be over the age of 18

How long do I need to stay in clinic?

Laser Hair Removal is done on an outpatient basis, so the patient is sent home after the treatment.

How long do I need to stay in Turkey?

The recommended stay in Turkey for Laser Hair Removal depends on the number of sessions patients is undergoing.

Devices used in Laser Hair Removal

During laser hair removal an IPL laser device, diode laser device and Alexandrite laser device is used for the permanent removal of hairs.

Operation Price Stay in hospital Stay in Turkey
Laser Hair Removal Please fill in
a form to learn
about the pricing.
The treatment is done on an
outpatient basis
1 Day