Trip Schedule of Laser Hair Removal
The patients will attend a consultation with the doctor and will be advised about the procedure and their condition. The patient will then be taken through a couple of tests that are required before the treatment and if everything is normal then Laser Hair Removal will be performed. During a laser hair removal there is no need for the use of anesthesia. The duration of the treatment will depend on the area of the treatment. Once the treatment is over, patients may need to apply cold compress if they feel any discomfort around the area that has been treated. The doctor will perform a check up and if they are approved to be in a good, healthy condition and feeling good the patients are advised with post treatment care requirements and are ready to be discharged from the clinic to their settlements. Most patients achieve permanent hair loss between 3 to 7 sessions. Patients can arrange for a next session or carry on with the treatment where they desire. If everything is right then the patient is ready to return to their destination. If desired, patients can spend the day to rest and attend the clinic the next day.